Friday, December 30, 2016

My most 'Liked' pictures of 2016

2016 was up and down for me, personally. However, my blog has gone from strength to strength, as has my ability to catch a good picture.

I still have a lot to learn, that I know. Here are just some of the shots that were both my most 'liked' on social media. And also some that I 'like', too.

Happy New Year!


Mille Feuille - incredible

My most recent post on here was about Yu Chocolatier. Just off the RenAi circle in Taipei, sits this wonderful chocolatier.

What to expect: Cleanliness, precision and care in everything done. Also expect good English and knowledge of the dishes, here. 

What not to expect: Big, open spaces. There are only 4 tables inside. So, if it's a special occasion then I would suggest booking ahead. 

Looks better than it tastes

Even though the food wasn't great, it was fun to be a part of this event held at the Mandarin Oriental hotel.

Original flavour (left) and 紅燒 flavour on the right

Delicious beef noodles with some great beef to boot. Overall, definitely worth writing down for the new year.

What to expect: Salty beef with a delicious broth.

What not to expect: Cleanliness.

The matcha sharing plate

Hands down my best Matcha experience (so far) in Taipei. The closest rival is 108 Matcha Saro, but they offer up a different take on Matcha. If you go to PingAn, then make sure to get both the layer cake and also the roll - awesomeness.

What to expect: Deliciously bitter matcha in a traditionally Japanese setting.

What not to expect: You can't just order 1 thing here, as there is a minimum spend. So, don't expect an inexpensive afternoon tea. 

5. Betty's, Harrogate 
(not Taipei, but I couldn't resist...)
More tea, vicar?

Afternoon tea is a British institution and Betty's do a superb one. They're only in Yorkshire, though, and have only a handful of stores. The stores are around 4 hours drive from London and it is definitely worth spending a few days around the area as there is plenty to do!

What to expect: Quintessentially Englishness at every turn.

What not to expect: Burgers or Pizza.

Pork and pepper baked bun

RaoHe is increasingly popular, because of the delicious food. My top two picks are these pork and pepper baked buns and also the Chinese medicine soup. It's definitely a place to visit in the colder winter days.

What to expect: To burn your mouth (they're scaldingly hot, but smell so good. The temptation will be too great - I guarantee it).

What not to expect: To walk to the stand and get your food immediately. Lining up for 10+ minutes is a standard.

Shrimp Toast

A fairly recently established Taipei restaurant, with seasonal produce and fun takes on food. The menu is small, the portion sizes are good and the execution is wonderful - how can you not be happy with this?

What to expect: Menu changes with the season, meaning spectacularly fresh food.

What not to expect: Greasy food or poor presentation.


2016 was a good year for food, let's hope that 2017 is just as exciting. I will definitely be returning to some of these restaurants posted here to get some more of their delicious offerings!

Happy Eating!

(And Happy New Year!)

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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Taipei City - Yu Chocolatier

Value for money: 8/10
Cleanliness: 10/10
Service: 10/10
Quality of food: 9/10
Overall: 9/10

I went here after reading Tricky Taipei's post about Yu Chocolatier being Taipei's Premier Chocolate shop. It's an excellent write up. It wasn't only the food I wanted to try, after reading it. But more the journey and experience, after reading how long it took to develop the ideas of each dish.

- It didn't disappoint -

What to expect: precision, at every turn. That goes down to the placement of the whisky and cognac bottles behind the counter, to the placement of the chocolates and pastries so delicately in the refrigerator.

I read that the "aged plum" takes 10 years to age!

We went on Christmas day, how cute to these look?


What we ordered:

Hot chocolate with Cognac

I was quite disappointed with this - I was expecting deep richness in a cup. However, I was met with a fairly standard hot chocolate. It was good, but nothing special, even with the cognac added. Also, it was a very small portion size for $250.

Bitter hot chocolate

The better of the two hot chocolates, for sure, but worth $230 with the portion size? Possibly not. If it was $180, I would be thinking that it is looking pretty good. It's a lot more bitter than the aforementioned one with cognac. But, I like the more bitter chocolate.


What a beauty!

Expect luscious dark chocolate meets a heavy chocolate smooth mousse inside and then a crunchy base with layers of chocolate inside. Basically, chocolate on chocolate on chocolate. Does it work? Absobloodylutely it does! It is delicious at every mouthful (of this, there were 6 mouthfulls, each better than the last!).

Mille Feuille 

Could this be the best Mille Feuille in Taipei? 
(Thoughts on a postcard, please)

I am hugely partial to the strawberry Mille Feuille at Paul, but this tasted like it was on another level. 

The incredible crunch of the pastry on top met with the delicate vanilla cream which was not sweet in any way, married together exactly like they should. However, paired with the balsamic syrup on the plate and you're really onto something, here. 


My final thoughts on Yu Chocolatier
I admit that I am more a fascinator and lover of chocolate than I am a connoisseur, however, I know good chocolate when I taste it. And this, right here, is some damn good chocolate. If you want something delicate, beautiful and decadent then this is the place for you. However, if you love Cadbury's or Hersheys, then maybe think again. If you do come here, be sure to bite the bullet and get the Mille Feuille - I don't think you'll be dissapointed, in any way.  

Opening Times:
Thursday - Tuesday 
12:00 - 20:00


02 2701 0792


No. 10, Alley 3, Lane 112, RenAi Road, Section 4, DaAn District, Taipei City

Happy Eating!

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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Taipei City - 1976 Hong Kong Restaurant

Value for money: 10/10
Cleanliness: 7/10
Service: 8/10
Quality of food: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

When I first arrived in Taiwan, I wasn't much a fan of the sticky and gloopy rice known as Congee. However, if you ever feel a bit ill or sick, then this is a sure fire way to make you feel that little bit better. Or, better still, is to get this when winter sets in and you start to feel cold.

Self-proclaimed first Hong Kong style restaurant in this Taipei area, 1976 offers up some very good dishes.

You can even buy some Cantonese style sausages outside the shop, next time!

Within the last 2 years or so, the restaurant has been through a refurbishment, and it since looks so much better!

The kitchen is fairly clean, and the staff are attentive from the moment you step in.

Choose what you would like from the Dim Sum 點心 cabinet, or order off the menu. 

This time, we went for two dishes:

zhuàng yuanjí dì zhōu 
The best congee 
(self-proclaimed, I didn't make this up!)

zhū gān lāo miàn 

Pork liver with Lao noodles

Their congee is thick (I much prefer this style) and nicely salty. The fried dough sticks are good and the flavour of the meat and the liver inside is delicious. It's a big bowl of hearty goodness.

I wasn't quite expecting this much liver, but then again, I am not complaining. A lot of people find liver a bit overpowering with an iron flavour, and whilst I do get that it is a strong flavour, I just can't get enough!

Biting in to the liver, it is creamy and silky smooth with a strong liver flavour. It melts in your mouth and then comes through (slightly) hard noodles and thick salty sauce. I could eat this every day.

xiāng gāng bō luó yóu bāo 
HK Pineapple bun

We couldn't leave without trying it. Turns out, next time, I probably won't order it again. The one at YanJi street does a much better pineapple bun. This one here isn't going to win any prizes, but it will do the trick to satisfy your craving. However, I like mine warm, crunchy and the butter should be melting.

A firm favourite for congee and liver in Taipei.

Opening Times:
Monday - Sunday
11:00 - 21:00

02 2777 1976


No. 233, Lane 233, DunHua South Road, Section 1, DaAn District, Taipei City

Happy Eating!

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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Taipei City - 蘇杭點心店 SuHang

Value for money: 8/10
Cleanliness: 7/10
Service: 8/10
Quality of food: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

Since 1967?! I do like that statement in a restaurant. Quite often you see many shops close and many shops open around Taipei, that it is nice to see these sorts of restaurants maintaining their custom for such a long time - a sign of a sure deal if ever there was one.

There's also a 2nd floor, but we ate here.

This is their self-service station, which is good in the sense that they don't charge you a 10% service charge. But, on the flip side, it largely relies on the customers to maintain hygiene when using it...

This one looks extremely well kept, though!

The chefs here are busy making the steamed vegetable dumplings.

Got a great shot, here!

They have a really good selection of appetisers here, and it's right as you come in the door - so it really draws you in. However, they are on the pricier side for these such dishes. In most places they're priced around $40-$60, but these ones here are around $70-$90.


The Menu

Plenty of things on here to get your teeth into, that's for sure.


Spicy egg
小菜 - 丁香辣椒蛋
dīng xiāng là jiāo dàn 

I was so excited when I picked this up, as I am a big fan of both spice and eggs. Together, surely it's a winning combination? But, alas, the flavour was just bland. I couldn't understand why so much chilli could just fade away when it was in your mouth. But, it did. I wouldn't pay $90 for this again.

SuHang steamed soup dumplings
sū háng xiǎo lóng bāo 

Not many greater sites when eating around Taipei, than a bamboo basket with these beautiful offerings inside.

The soup inside these was heavier and darker than many I have had before. The flavour definitely tasted more concentrated and flavourful than the offerings at DingTaiFeng or JinDing. The skin was quite thick, but I don't necessarily hate that about them. 

The pork filling is plentiful and the taste is a tried and tested one that works well, time and time again - winner.


Stir-fried Chinese rice cakes
雪菜白頁 (年糕)
xuě cài bǎi yè (nián gāo)

I love, love, love the Korean rice cakes (topoki). However, I am not so madly in love with the Chinese rice cakes - thinner, different shape and different texture. 

They were very chewy, and resembled those overly chewy balls in your bubble milk tea. The flavour of the dish was delicious, though, I just didn't like the texture of the rice cakes much at all.


NingBo egg fried rice with fried pork
níng bō pái gǔ dàn chǎo fàn 

The fried rice was good, but the one at JingDing is much better. The rice was clumped together and over-cooked so that it became soft.

The pork, however, was deliciously juicy whilst still carrying bags of flavour from the spice used on top.  


Hot and sour soup
suān là tāng 

I think soup should be ordered with every meal like this, often I will order the hot and sour soup if I see it on the menu wherever I go. This one had tonnes of black pepper on top which I stirred in before taking the photo (doh). I always enjoy the thick nature of this kind of soup. 

The flavour was nice and sour, made aromatic and spicy with the addition of black pepper. I enjoyed it a lot.


The bill
mǎi dān 

Not bad for 2 people, at this kind of restaurant, I think?


Opening Times:
Monday - Sunday
11:00 - 20:30

02 2394 3725


No. 14, Roosevelt Road, Section 2, ZhongZheng District, Taipei City

Happy Eating!

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