Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Taipei City - April Trip Breakfast

Down a back alley in DanShui, this may have just be a good place to go and get a delicious sandwich, a nice coffee and a comfortable atmosphere to awake your day. The decor inside is quirky and fun, mostly comprising of American brand stickers, fun musical instruments, book cases full of books and magazines, and also white boards including white board pens available for use. 

The Menu is all in Chinese, so I will help you to pick out something you may like. Here is what we ordered:

Anyone familair with Taiwanese breakfast should be well acquainted with the fried egg pancake (dan4bing3蛋餅). Inside the pancake, there were nice thick chunks of chicken breast, chunky tomato salsa, fried egg and copious amounts of cheese. Taiwanese cheese is not particularly known for its quality, however, this fried egg pancake did step up to the mark. 

This is the bacon, onion ring omelette burger with peanut butter (hua1sheng1pei2gen1quan1quan1ou1mu3dan4bao3 花生培根圈圈歐姆蛋堡 ;-) and the hash brown shu3bing3 薯餅good luck!) Now this was a special breakfast sandwich. Sat within the two burger buns, were two strips of streaky bacon, 2 onion rings and an omelette. On the inside of the burger bun was a generous smear of peanut butter. I chose to have the burger with a hash brown. The bread was nice and soft, the omelette was cooked very nicely, the onion rings were a good addition and also the few lettuce leaves helped to give it that healthy early morning kick. My only reservation would be the hash brown - it was kid of greasy. I don't mind this every now and then, but if you're not a fan of grease in the morning, I wouldn't suggest the hash brown. 

Here is the sweet potato and pork sandwich (di4gua1xian1sheng1zong3hui4san1ming2zhi4 - guo3xiang1zhu1pai2 地瓜先生總匯三明治 - 果香豬排) The sandwich was good, not as good as the omelette burger, but good. Three layers of bread formed the basis of the sandwich, with (from the bottom) first slice of bread, mashed sweet potato, middle slice of bread, pork and lettuce and finally the final piece of bread. The sandwich was filling, especially when teamed up with the cereal (xi3rui4er2zong4he2gu3pian4niu2nai3 喜瑞兒綜合穀片牛奶). Now, Taiwan isn't known for its milk quality. You can probably just type it into google and find out the many issues. However, the milk used here is fresh whole milk. I won't sugar coat it, it was cereal. There was a wide variety of cereal in the portion, and it was a good bit of nostalgia.

If you're in DanShui and you want to get some good breakfast in a relaxed, yet fun environment, then this could be the place to go. Its not too far away from the MRT station and its actually right next to a morning market which is quite fun to walk around. This place gets a solid recommendation from me if you're in that area come morning. 


No.33, lane 122, shuiyuan street, section 1, DanShui, New Taipei City. 

Happy Eating!

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