Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Taipei City - 高三孝 Breakfast Sandwich

There are many places to get your fill of in Taipei, or New Taipei. But this, this one has me returning again and again. It is behind NanMen Market 南門市場 on Roosevelt Road 羅斯福路, so it is primely placed. 

It does get quite busy here in the mornings, so be prepared to wait. If you can wait, then it is worth it. 

Inside, there are a couple of classroom style tables. These are all well and good for looking good, but really, for a tall person, they are awfully impractical. I am quite tall, so they're not the comfiest, and I find myself with my legs to the side, instead of being able to go under the table. Nevertheless, the atmosphere inside is really good, and you can see the origin of each product, described (in Chinese) in depth.

The top section of the menu are the sandwiches 三明治, toast 吐司 and 'burger like' sandwiches 蘿堡. The bottom half of the menu are the drinks 飲料. I've been here a few times, but didn't review it before. So, this time, we only ordered a sandwich each. Watch this post and I will update it the next time I head there for breakfast.

1. 雞腿排總匯三明治 Spicy Chicken leg sandwich.
2. 豬排總匯三明治 Pork steak sandwich.
3. 牧場鮮奶 Fresh Milk.
4. 牧場鮮奶紅茶 Milky tea.

1. 雞腿排總匯三明治 Spicy Chicken leg sandwich.
The chicken leg meat is lightly spiced, sandwiched between eggs, lettuce and a potato salad. There's a lot of bread, a lot of filling, and a lot of happy faces! It's great, really, it is.

2. 豬排總匯三明治 Pork steak sandwich.
This looks a lot like the previous sandwich, but with just two differences: it's pork, not chicken. And also, there is no potato salad. Instead, it is replaced with shavings of cucumber.

3. 牧場鮮奶 Fresh Milk and 4. 牧場鮮奶紅茶 Milky tea.
In Taiwan, good fresh milk is really difficult to come by. This is milk all the way from KaoSiung. It is rich and creamy, it's milk. There's not a lot I can say about this, it is just milk. But it is good for your fix of pure milk (without any sugar).
As for the milk tea, it is good to have a non sugary, full-fat milk tea (especially for breakfast).

Best dish: 雞腿排總匯三明治 Chicken leg sandwich
Dish I won't order again: I'll order everything again.


11-4, Alley 31, Section 1, NanChang Road, ZhongZheng District, Taipei City

Happy Eating!

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