Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Taipei City - Whalen's 味鄰 (round 2)


Value for money: 8/10
Cleanliness: 9/10
Service: 10/10
Quality of food: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

This is an update on the food at Whalen's, as I have already posted about my first visit here: First Visit 2015/09/05.

Since this is an update on the food, please look to my original post for pictures of the restaurant. However, the menu has just been updated, so the new menu is as below: 

And the Chinese menu:

Moosehead is a Canadian beer (fitting, for a Canadian restaurant) and is brewed in Nova Scotia, Canada, in its 6th generation of family ownership - going strong! I've seen this beer around a few other places in Taipei, too. But mostly the green bottled Mooshead lager. I much prefer the Moosehead Pale Ale, here. But beer is very much a personal preference, as I know some people adore Stella Artois but some people hate it with a passion. So, I'll let you try it first, then decide.

1. 菠菜洋薊醬 bō cài yáng jì jiàng 
Spinach and artichoke dip w/ home cooked tortilla chips $230

The tortilla's here are thin and crispy, and not that greasy for saying they've just been fried on site. They yield a great crunch and pair well with the cheesy, rich flavour of the artichoke and spinach dip. There's lots of cheese in the dip so it is very thick, but that's got to be a good thing, right?! Good flavours all around.

2. 費城牛排堡 fèi chéng niú pái bǎo 
The Philly Sandwich w/side order of cheeseburger poutine $360

The Philly steak is something that is very popular throughout the world, with many sandwiches entertaining it. Thin cuts of beef in a rich onion gravy put inside a warm ciabatta - my mouth salivates at the thought. We paired it up with the cheeseburger poutine which is meat overload heaven. It looks, and is, very rich. But it's delicious! The burger has been cooked and broken up into smaller pieces and scattered amongst the cheesy poutine layered with a bbq sauce. 

3. 牛肉千層麵 niú ròu qiān céng miàn 
Lasagna $350

I'm not a great fan of eating lasagne out for dinner (or lunch) because my mum makes a great lasagna. So I am of the opinion that others won't match up. Unfortunately, this one also didn't match up to my high lasagna expectations, however, that isn't to say that it isn't a good lasagna - because it is. 

The lasagna has many layers and each are sandwiched with beef mince in a tomato sauce. Cheese is sprinkled on top and it's baked in the oven. For me, the lasanga sheets were a little too soft, and could do with having a bit more of a bite. Additionally (and maybe it's a personal preference), It could have done with perhaps grilling on top to make the cheese bubble and the edges of the lasagna get a nice charring.

Side order of Maple Bacon Poutine

Sounds wrong, on so many levels. But, it's so right on all of them! 

Maple + Bacon + Cheese + fries = Happiness.

I'm a fan of the whole slightly sweet saltiness going on in the dish, and I would order it again and again (and I will do, on my next visit).

4. 白巧克力布郎尼  bái qiǎo kè lì bù lǎng ní 
White chocolate brownie $160

At this point I was full beyond words, but can't refuse a dessert. The brownie was heated up before serving and the outside was crispy, whilst the inside gooey and cakey. It is quite a heavy piece of brownie, so maybe don't eat a lasagna and a side order of poutine after an appetiser and a beer, followed by the brownie. 


You absolutely cannot leave Whalen's without trying their granola. You can also buy it to take out at $100/100g. I would strongly recommend doing this! 

In addition, Whalen's now has a new Poutine Punch Card. The Poutine Punch Card works like this: every time you order a poutine, get a stamp. When you reach 10 poutines, have your 11th for free. If you like late night guilty pleasures, Whalen's is your place. If you're looking to satiate that need for a cheat meal, then Whalen's is your place. 

I can now happily say that I am an avid fan of the Poutine. I'm definitely going back.

Opening times:
Monday - Thursday 11:00 - 21:00
Friday 11:00 - 00:00
Saturday 00:15 - 00:00
Sunday 00:15 - 21:00


02 2739 3037

Happy Eating!

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